New Year... New Issue... New Challenges... New Appreciation.
Issue 2.1 (second year, first issue) We started this in April 2022. Unfortunately, it took until October to have our first physical issues in hand after being hit a hard blow with Laura Jade's invasive breast cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatments beginning this past June. We delayed our July printing until August and ended up pushing it to October. Offset printing requires minimum orders. At least 750 copies; otherwise, it would be an "inkjet"... and we want to keep the cost per issue down but the print quality very high. We ordered way more than we needed. 2000 copies of the first issue. This was more of a statement of faith in our project. Costing us about $24,000.00 for the first issue. Of course, we paid out of pocket with only around 100 initial subscribers. This is a passion project, and we are hopeful our passion will be contagious.
Issue 2.1 Cover
Issue 2.1 (January 2023) was completed and submitted in late November with much improvement and lessons applied from issue 1.1 (October 2022). We hoped to have them in hand by Christmas, but it is unlikely with paper shortages and holiday schedules. However, we will have them by the first of the year and will be shipping in January on schedule. We're so excited to share this issue with feature articles that, although all are personal glimpses into unique perspectives and personalities, they coincide to make a well-rounded spectrum of what we are attempting to do. To share the soul of tattoo culture. This publication is not exclusively for artists or collectors. It is for anyone who resonates with or is interested in any aspect of tattooing.
Laura Jade, Flåm, Norway, Dec. 8, 2022, one week before breast cancer surgery, six months of Chemotherapy.
Laura has finished six months of full chemotherapy treatments and is scheduled this week for her lumpectomy. It is such a relief from the doctor's original suspicion that she would need a double mastectomy. The chemo has worked so well at reducing the huge tumor, the size of a duck egg, down to undetectable by feel. Although it has also been unbelievably trying, both physically and psychologically. She has felt utterly ill for six months, with steroids and medications ripping through her system. However, the result seems to have been worth it at this point, being able to retain most of her natural body and shape.
Elevator pic, Bergen, Norway.
We planned an inspo trip to Norway this month between Laura's last chemo and her surgery. She'll have six more months of infusions after surgery, and we wanted something to look forward to. We set off for Bergen via Salt Lake City and Amsterdam with airline credit from other canceled trips. After two decades of traveling for tattoo shows, long flights for short trips aren't such a pain to us. They're uncomfortable but worth it for the excitement. We had spent a week in the fjords paddleboarding and camping this past June with a company Laura had found in 2019 (supnorway) and made a solo trip then. I couldn't believe the beauty and awe this place held. It's one of the most beautiful, peaceful, friendly places I've ever been, and I've been to quite a few places.
Flåm, June & December, 2022
I had a crazy razor-stinging sore throat the last two days in Norway and thought I burst my eardrum on our first flight home from Bergen to Amsterdam... Got home late Sunday night, the 11th, and was in the ER Tuesday morning, the 13th, with half of my face paralyzed. Diagnosed with Ramsay Hunt Syndrome. It's stress-induced Shingles in the head, mainly the nerve that branches to the ear, mouth, and eye from the brain stem. My mouth and throat had shingles rash, hence the razor stinging... and my face is paralyzed from inflammation of that main nerve branch.
First ER trip post-Norway. Facial paralysis.
I did a round of Prednisone and antiviral meds and started a biweekly routine of acupuncture. After my first session, I had 36 hours of severe nerve pain in my neck, ear, and eye socket. A second ER visit resulted in a diagnosis of Postherpetic Neuralgia, an inflamed nerve pain condition that can be permanent. I'm currently back on a ten-day Prednisone taper and oxycodone. It has given some relief to the nerve pain. No improvement in the facial paralysis, but I am staying hopeful.
This is a smile with Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, 1 in 20,000 people get it statistically.
Laura Jade's lumpectomy was done two days ago and went perfectly. She is recovering well, and we are glad to be passed that huge milestone on this journey. She still has six more months of infusions, mostly to suppress hormones that would allow the cancer to reoccur. Its only two of the four chemo drugs and the side affects should be less intense…
Post op….
We have tattooed her head during this time, carefully and under the guidance of her oncologist and surgeon. We decided on cherry blossoms, with a gust of wind blowing the petals off on one side of her head. Of course, the metaphor of the fleetingness of life, appreciation for the moment, and the fact that the only constant in life is change. The delicacy of our fragile beings and the intent of appreciating the moment, the now in everything. This, too, shall pass, and new seasons are on the horizon, always.