Semper Tattoo
There is no specific formula we follow when deciding who is featured in Olinjar Tattoo Journal. It's not entirely about any one thing; we do not have a list of must-haves or anyone we're chasing after. We include whoever resonates naturally, responds enthusiastically, and works out at the right place and time. There has been a natural evolution of person after person, and it's a path we're following with an open mind and excitement, trusting the unfolding. And so, after a series of unfortunate-turned-fortunate events, we found ourselves in Edinburgh, Scotland, being graciously welcomed into David Corden's beautiful studio, Semper Tattoo.
Defying all of the stereotypes of "Tattoo Shop," David's space rests comfortably at the top of the scale in maximum sophistication, style, and class. The sign on the window reads "Bespoke Dermographics," which politely allows its true nature to blend into its incredible environment.
The surrounding connection to history is palpable, and the overall fairytale vibe is strong. In one of the city's main marketplaces since 1477 (known for public executions), Semper Tattoo goes about its business today as if it has always been right there, underneath Edinburgh Castle. We also were invited to stay at David's incredible home during our visit. A collector of antiques, oddities, and taxidermy, he has curated his home into a maximalist aesthetic dream worthy of charging a fee to enter.
We got to chat with him about life- philosophy, spirituality, and the deeper meaning behind why he tattoos. Thank you to David, Chopper, and Bronson (the Frenchies) for your warm hospitality- we have fallen for Edinburgh and can't wait to return.
The full feature is coming soon in Olinjär issue 5.
Happy Holidays!
Laura and Jeff